
The nature of Mathematics in the 21st Century

The 21st Century with all its change, challenges and opportunities means that children need a skill set that encompasses problem solving, independence as a learner and curiosity about the world that mathematics is well placed to help develop. At Hampton Junior School we believe positive attitudes to mathematics are key in a world where mathematics is central to so many careers.

Classroom Practice for Mathematics at HJS

The three aims of the new National Curriculum for mathematics: fluency, problem solving and reasoning, underline the government’s intention to prepare our youngsters for the 21st century world of work that waits them.

At HJS, we use a problem-solving approach for the teaching and learning of mathematics where all children can contribute and explore ideas that can be very effectively fostered in mixed ability classrooms.

Our classroom culture is one where :

  • Mistakes are fine and even celebrated for the learning opportunity they offer!
  • Pupils can change their mind .
  • Ideas are valued.
  • Pupils challenge themselves by choosing their own level of challenge to ‘be the best they can be’ at mathematics.

Alongside this problem solving approach, we also emphasise the importance of developing secure mental maths strategies alongside formal written methods in order to provide a sound basis for calculation.

‘Pen in hand’ marking is fundamental to all classrooms as teachers and learning support assistants talk with the children throughout the lesson about their learning and record successes in their books, offer next steps and comment on mathematical thinking. We believe written and verbal feedback are valuable to support our pupils in developing their practice

At Hampton Junior School we enjoy fostering a mindset where all can achieve and where feedback celebrates our pupils’ achievements.

Our pupils are confident when using written calculations. Here is our written calculations policy to help you understand our approach to teaching this key skill.

HJS written calculation policy

Maths Curriculum Parent Presentation

Maths Awards:

Each academic year at HJS, pupils can take part in earning a bronze/silver/gold/platinum award for Maths. Pupils will need start from bronze and work through the stages up to platinum.

All you need to do is to print off (or ask your class teacher) the task, complete it at home and bring it into school for your class teacher to mark. Your child will then receive a certificate and for gold/platinum they will receive a badge aswell as a certificate.

Happy calculating and good luck!


Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6