As most of you will be aware, school budgets nationally have been reduced in real terms and many schools are being forced to make difficult funding decisions (for example, reducing school hours, closing school libraries, or cutting support staff). We are pleased to say that due to the careful financial planning of our senior leadership team and business managers, Hampton Primary Partnership are not facing such dire financial circumstances.
However, the budget continues to be tight and is an on-going concern. While we can meet the essentials, we would like to invest for the future. For example, improving the outdoor spaces is a high priority for the schools and such equipment is extremely expensive.
As a federation we are continuously looking at funding sources. At the last meeting of the Executive Committee, we agreed to introduce a voluntary contribution of £10 per child per term. This will be applied to a maximum of two children across HPP.
This contribution will cover the costs for food technology, arts week, and various additional incidental activities that enhance your child’s learning. School visits, swimming and other larger ticket items will still be charged per activity, to cover the costs. All payment should be through Parentpay.
We hope you will understand the need to introduce this fee to cover the costs of these extra activities. This will enable us to continue to provide a broad and creative curriculum that children enjoy.