Parent Pay

Hampton Junior School uses ParentPay, an online payment system, to collect all money for school events including the following:

  • School meals
  • Educational visits/school journeys
  • Swimming lessons
  • Food technology contribution
  • HJS School run clubs

On the first day of term, we will issue you with a letter providing you with your user name and password for ParentPay.  We would urge you to register immediately in order to be able to make payments to the school. If you need support please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Clements, Mrs Allen or Mrs Clare.

Free School Meals/Pupil Premium Grant

It is important the school have a clear understanding of who is entitled to Free School Meals regardless of whether your child would like to take the meal.  The school receives additional funding via the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) to support children.  Please see the guidance overleaf to confirm your family is entitled.  Make contact with the Richmond Pupil Finance Officer as soon as possible to ensure your entitlement is registered.  This will ensure your child can take a free school meal from their first day.  If your entitlement is not registered and your child takes a meal, that meal will have to be paid for until confirmation of entitlement has been received from London Borough of Richmond.

School Meals-All meals must be paid for in advance.

Please complete the school meals section on the ‘new pupil information form’ (pink) and make payment via ParentPay as soon as you have been issued with your username and password.  All meals must be paid for in advance please.  Meals not taken due to sickness/ school visits will be credited from next half term’s charges. 

The cost per meal for 2018/19 is £2.20 (tbc). This equates to £72.60 (tbc) for the first half of Autumn Term.  Half termly costs will be published in the school news notes and your ParentPay account will always show the most up to date credit/debit balance.

The termly menu can be viewed on the school’s website or in reception.

One week’s notice is required to stop school meals.

Educational Visits/School Journeys/Swimming

You will always receive a letter regarding payment for these items at which time the relevant item will appear on your child’s ParentPay account.